Northfork Knotworks

Select Harvest Process

A Day in the Woods

The select harvest process begins in the early spring in Wisconsin. Prior to the cutting process, we spend a day in the woods marking trees for harvest.

There are many reasons a tree is marked for cutting. The tree may be mature and will begin to deteriorate or fall in a wind storm. There may be several trees in a bunch that will not survive because of crowding so then one or two in the group are harvested. Then there are the trees that have fallen and are a danger to visitors to the property and wildlife.

Cutting the Trees

Once the trees are cut, we cut the branches and put them in piles in various places throughout the woods. This creates a habitat for small animals and birds.

The trees are cut into 8' logs for the sawmill or cut into firewood if the wood is not acceptable for milling.

Mother Natures Wonders

Branch in a Tree

As we were working in the woods, we noticed this wonder of nature. A branch had fallen against a young tree and was stuck there. The young tree actually grew around the branch and it is now part of the tree. Simply amazing!

Beauty in the forest

Wild Garlic

Forest Wild Flowers

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